Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

House Training Your Dog


House soiling quickly becomes a bad habit because dogs develop strong location, substrate, and olfactory preferences for their improvised indoor toilet areas. To housetrain your puppy: first, prevent any more mistakes; and second, teach your puppy where you would like him to eliminate.

How to Prevent Mistakes

Mistakes are a disaster since they set a bad precedent and create bad habits, which can be hard to break. Consequently, you must prevent mistakes at all cost. Whenever you are not at home for longer periods of time, leave your dog in a long-term confinement area, such as a single room indoors with easy-to-clean floors (bathroom, kitchen, or utility room)—this will be your puppy’s playroom.

Provide your dog with fresh water, a number of stuffed chewtoys for entertainment, a comfortable bed in one corner, and a doggy toilet in the corner diagonally opposite from his bed. Your dog will naturally want to eliminate as far as possible from his bed, and so will soon develop the good habit of using his toilet. And remember, good habits are just as hard to break as bad habits.

For a doggy toilet, use sheets of newspaper sprinkled with soil, or a litter tray filled with a roll of turf, or a concrete paving slab. Thus your dog will develop olfactory and substrate preferences for eliminating on soil, grass, or concrete.

The purpose of long-term confinement is to confine your dog’s natural behaviors (including urinating and defecating) to an area that is protected (thus preventing any mistakes around the house when you are not there), and to help your dog quickly develop a strong preference for eliminating on soil, grass, or concrete.

Teach Your Dog to Eliminate in the Right Place

When you are at home, confine your dog to a short-term confinement area with a number of stuffed chewtoys for entertainment. A portable dog crate makes an ideal doggy den. Alternatively, keep your dog on a short lead fastened to an eye-hook in the skirting board near her bed, or attach the lead to your belt. This way your dog may settle down beside you while you read, work at the computer, or watch television.

Every hour on the hour, say "Let’s go to the loo" (or some other appropriate toilet instruction), and hurry your dog (on lead) to her toilet (in your garden, or in the street outside the front door of your house or block of flats). Stand still with your dog on lead and repeat the instruction to "go to the loo". Give your dog three minutes to empty herself.

When your dog eliminates, praise her enthusiastically and offer three liver treats (or other fresh meat treat). Most puppies will urinate within two minutes on each trip to a toilet area, and defecate within three minutes on every other trip. Once your dog realizes that she can cash in her urine and feces for tasty treats, she will want to eliminate in her toilet area. Soiling the house just does not have comparable fringe benefits. Moreover, after a dozen or so repetitions, you will have taught your dog to eliminate on command.

If your dog does not eliminate during the allotted three-minute toilet break, put her back inside her crate for another hour.
The purpose of short-term close confinement is to prevent any mistakes around the house when you are home (but cannot devote undivided attention to your dog) and to predict when your dog needs to eliminate. Temporarily (for no more than an hour at a time) confining a puppydog to a small space (e.g., a dog crate) inhibits elimination, since the dog does not want to soil her sleeping area. Consequently, your dog will want to go immediately upon release from confinement— especially since hurrying to the toilet area will jiggle her bladder and bowels. Since you choose when to release your dog, you may choose when your puppy eliminates, and since you can predict when your dog needs to eliminate, you may be there to show her where to go, to reward your dog for going, and to inspect and immediately clean up after your dog.

Once your pup is old enough to go on walks, make sure she eliminates (in the garden, or in front of your house) before each walk. If your dog does not go within three minutes, put her back in her crate and try again an hour later. However, if your dog does go, praise and reward her as usual and then say “Let’s go for a walk.” With a no-feces/no-walk policy, you will soon have a very speedy defecator. Moreover, elimination close to home facilitates clean-up and disposal; you will not have to stroll the neighborhood weighed down with a bag of doggie poo.

To housetrain your dog, you need a dog crate, a number of chewtoys, and some liver treats. 

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Splash and Tug train some GSD pups


Splash and Tug teach Bella and Bear that hanging out with other dogs can not only be fun but also relaxing

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Just how much you need to love your Puppy


Of course this little monkey no

longer need bottles but think

back to the very beginning

Youve gone to the shelter and found the perfect puppy, the puppy you and your family just have to have and now have the need to take care of your new puppy at home. Or, your female dog has had a beautiful litter of puppies but for some reason or another is not nursing them.

Do these scenarios sound familiar? If so, or if youve found yourself in a situation where you have a puppy that cannot be nursed the natural way, you are going to have to feed him or her by hand. The most effective means for accomplishing this is via bottle feeding.

When you first take on the task of bottle feeding a puppy it is extremely important to remember that the younger your puppy is, the more often you are going to have to feed him or her. During the puppies first two or three days of age you will need to bottle feed approximately once every two hours and for the rest of the first week a minimum of once every three hours.

After the first week your puppy is going to need to be fed at least five or six times per day. As puppies get older the frequency with which you will need to hold a bottle feeding session will decline.

Youre first order of importance when considering to bottle feed a puppy, or making the preparations to do so, that what you feed him or her is nutritionally balanced to fit the puppies needs. There are a number of puppy milk formulas on the market that will take the guesswork out of mixing your own formula, three of the most common are: Esbilac, Puppylac and Hartz Advanced Care Puppy Milk Replacement.

Now that youve determined what youre going to feed your puppy, you need to have a bottle to actually perform the task of feeding. Most veterinary clinics, pet stores and pet departments in larger department stores will have bottles specifically designed for nursing puppies. If you are unable to procure an actually puppy nursing bottle you can substitute a human infant bottle equipped with a preemie nipple.

The actual bottle feeding process is really quite simple. First mix the formula and be sure that it is mixed well and without clumps as otherwise will cause the formulas nutrients to not be dispersed well and also bottle nipple will plug. While the formula is cooling to room temperature make sure you puppy is lying on his or her belly.

Gently insert the nipple into the puppys mouth. If youre puppy doesnt take the nipple directly let a small drop fall on his or her mouth and with an extremely gentle prying motion open your puppies mouth and insert the nipple that way. Once the nipple is in place your puppy should take to the nipple and begin sucking naturally.

Be careful to not overfeed your puppy, play it safe and allow them to only drink a little less than they desire. Overfeeding can result in a number issues that can be detrimental to your puppies health that may require veterinary assistance to correct. It is always better to feed a lesser amount but increase the frequency of feeding sessions.

Just as with a human infant, puppies need to be burped too. At the end of a feeding session hold your puppy upright against your shoulder and gently pat his or her back. By doing so you will decrease the likelihood that your puppys belly will bloat and will lower the chances for your puppy to become colicky.

By: MattR

Article Directory:

Matt operates the website A Happy Dog  hpp://

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Parade of Poochies!


Today was our annual Pooch Parade here in Ventura. What a grand event it was! Loose Leash walking everywhere! Its put on by our local private rescue group The Canine Adoption and Rescue League - a great group of folks that help dogs in need. The parade and post-party is always a good time to be had - by canines and humans alike. Plus, the weather was perfect! Not too hot, not overcast by much... all in all a very pleasant day.

We started with a nice warm-up stretch with the lady that owns and runs the fabulous Oaks of Ojai (talk about motivation and rewards for humans), then we took to the path for our 5K walk... Poncho, my hubby and I all walked together - had a great time. Im so proud of Poncho (my hubby too)... We kept up the pace - Poncho said hello to other dogs and people very politely (what a good boy he is) ;-) Then we headed back and walked about greeting others, and "window shopping" at the various vendor booths. A perfect opportunity to practice all the lovely good manners skills I teach him, and the students in my classes over at the Inquisitive Canine studio. 

There were so many great dogs! And responsible owners too! I saw everyone monitoring their own dogs behavior - cleaning up after them, rewarding generously for desired behaviors. Makes my heart sing when I see such great canine-human relationships. 

I saw some of my own students who are enrolled in my Puppy Manners Class there too! Of course they were also doing a fabulous job with their dogs - just like in class... Im so proud of them!

So, if anyone missed the Pooch Parade this year, there is always next year! Come on out, bring your dogs, or adopt a new one, or just come to be amongst all the happy wagging tails! 

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Potty training your new puppy


Training should begin immediately after you have gotten home with your new pet. Training your dog is beneficial to both you and your pet. These suggestions will help you in your pet training efforts.

Introduce new animals to one another very slowly. Weighs the pros and the cons before adopting another pet. For optimal bonding, select a new pet whose personality is similar to that of your current pet.

 Stay consistent when you are trying to train your dog. Make sure everyone knows the right commands to give the dog; keep a list if necessary. Behavior should be rewarded or not depending on the affect that is being sought. Your dog will become very confused if each person responds differently to a single type of behavior. This will make training very hard.

 When you are house training a dog, you may want to use a crate. Let the dog out on a regular schedule to make the crate training most effective. Once your dog has acclimated to the crate, he will be far less accident-prone indoors.

 Dogs have the uncanny ability to have single-minded focus when something catches their attention. Repetition and practice will result in your dog waiting to take cues from you rather than being distracted by other things.

 Everyone in your household needs to be on board for dog training to be effective. While he may have one person who works with him on a regular basis, having everyone be a part of his training will teach him that he must follow the rules of the house at all times, and keep his training more consistent.

 Always get your dogs attention by using his name. To train your dog, you need a certain level of control. Getting them used to their name and coming when you call will help you achieve this. Repeat this several times daily. Also, dont punish your dog if he comes over when you call him by name.

 Teach your pet the proper way to walk on a leash. When they walk properly, it makes both of you safer when you both go walking.

 You need a commanding control if you are starting to train your dog. Your dog will neither obey nor respect you if he believes he is the leader of your household. Never allow your dog pull on the leash while you are on a walk.

 Although there are many benefits to using a harness, you will have less control over your dog than if he is wearing a cinch collar. If you plan on using a harness outside of training, put both that and a collar on your dog during the training process. This will teach him to respond to commands even after the cinching collar is removed.

 Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 Do not wear out your new puppy with an excessive training regiment. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. Hell likely forget everything you taught him if you do too much at once. He will also look at training as a negative experience and it will be harder next time.

 Choose from a range of treats to give your dog as training reward. These treats cannot be confused with every day treats at first, because you need to create a sense of specialness which will encourage the dog to obey your commands, since they know that the treats they will be receiving are out of the ordinary.

 Every dog is unique and is motivated to learn by different things. Dog training can be a learning experience, especially with it comes to determining what motivates your pet. It doesnt matter the reason you want to train your dog, you need to offer a variety of exercises along with positive reinforcement. Any time your dog is happy, you will find they have a better performance.

 Challenge your dog frequently. Give him "quizzes" to make sure he still knows his stuff, even if you both know he does.

 Dogs are just like people; they love hearing the sound of their own names and the use of the name will call them to attention. It is especially important to do this during the first weeks of training, in order to establish that name-attention association. Make the name simple and easy for the puppy to recognize.

 Use your dogs name when you can, as it will help to get your dog to pay attention. By using it as much as possible during the first weeks you own him, your puppy will learn that this sound is in reference to him. Choose a short name that is easily recognizable from other words.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 Try not to use wee-wee pads as a tool in potty training your day. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. The pads may also confuse the dog because of their shape. It could cause the dog to think that a bathroom mat or welcome mat is a place to go potty. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 Dogs that are well trained are normally happy. Use the advice youve read to start training your dog properly..

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Interactive Dog Training Game That’s Fun and Rewarding for Both Owner and Dog A Pawsitive Solution for Dog Training!


Im off to a trade show in Las Vegas today, but I first had to share my latest press release. Ive been blogging about my new interactive dog training game and how its great for dogs of all ages and skill levels - not to mention its fun for both you and your dog

So please check out my our new press release and feel free to pass it along to anyone you think might be interested in this positive solution to dog training!

Inquisitive Canine’s Interactive Dog Training Game is Fun and Rewarding for Both Owner and Dog

Developed by distinguished dog trainer Joan Mayer, the Out of the Box Dog Training Game is an easy, simple and enjoyable way for you and your dog to play your way to canine good manners!

Ventura, CA - With 39% of U.S. households owning at least one dog, the common reality for many people today is that they just don’t have the time, money, or energy to invest in dog training or coaching their dogs to develop and maintain good manners.

The Out of the Box Dog Training Game was developed by acclaimed dog trainer and behavior coach Joan Mayer as a practical and affordable way for pet owners to positively reinforce real-world manners in their dogs while helping them create stronger bonds with their dogs for life.

This positive dog training solution was designed to go beyond traditional dog obedience training by emphasizing the importance of understanding canine behavior so that dog owners can successfully reinforce the behaviors they want, while limiting and preventing inappropriate habits.

“This interactive dog training game is highly effective because it employs established dog training techniques that reward and motivate both owner and dog,” said Mayer, founder of The Inquisitive Canine in Ventura. “I’ve created this pawsitive dog training solution as an easy, simple, and enjoyable way for dog lovers to raise a healthy and happy pet. By making dog training fun, you and your dog are learning - and you don’t even know it!”

The Out of the Box Dog Training Game includes:
  • 56 activity cards that address real world manners such as loose leash walking, doorbell etiquette, techniques for building confidence and enhancing socialization, and activities that fulfill a dog’s innate needs while helping them adapt to our human environment
  • An 18-page Guide Booklet that includes everything from dog training technique instructions to tips on which rewards will best motivate your dog to learn
  • Scorecard to help you and your dog play your way to canine good manners

“The game is designed for dogs of all ages and can be played just about anywhere and at anytime that works in your daily routine - making dog training less overwhelming and more enjoyable,“ said Mayer, who also authors the dog advice column Dear Inquisitive Canine. "Since each dog training activity can be customized for specific needs and adapted to different learner levels to help advance your dog’s skills, the game is different every time you play!”

The Out of the Box Dog Training Game can be purchased online at

The Inquisitive Canine is dedicated to empowering dog owners with a rewarding education that will help them further develop and enhance their everyday relationships with their dogs. The Inquisitive Canine specializes in dog training methods that focus on understanding canine behavior and teaching dogs through techniques that reward and motivate. For more information on private dog training, group classes, virtual dog training or the Out of the Box Dog Training Game, please visit or call (805) 650-8500.

Also, please visit our web site to check out more news from the Inquisitive Canine.

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Puppy Habits and Dog Training


Ive had the pleasure the past couple of weeks to be working with an adolescent Boxer/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix that was adopted by a very patient senior woman. This boisterous boy was rescued from a shelter and is now adjusting to his new home.  He is very sweet, and very friendly with people, but he has a bit of a social issue.  When he gets excited and wants attention, he behaves just the way a 3-month-old puppy would, though hes now about 18 months old and 75 pounds of lean muscle. He jumps up, humps, paws, mouths and nips and tugs at clothing.

Which brings up a common misconception about behavior: "Oh, hell grow out of it."  In some cases puppy behaviors do get less severe as they get older, even without intervention or training. But for most behaviors, owners need to take some kind of action to prevent their puppy from growing into a larger version with the same issues. Puppy classes, private lessons or other forms of training can help puppy parents learn the best ways to mold their puppies into good canine citizens.

There is good hope for this rescue dog. He now has a wonderful home with an owner who has the time and dedication to help him learn the manners he missed out on when he was younger. The training will involve some positive redirection, clear boundary setting and appropriate outlets (such as exercise and interactive toys) for his enthusiasm. I cant wait to see what a charming young man hell turn into!

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How long does it take to train my dog


A FAQ I receive is: "How long will it take for my dog to be trained?" I hate to say it, but there is no simple answer...or magic wand. Every persons situation and dog is different. Whether it be a puppy that has been brought into a first time dog owners home, or a intra-familial dog-dog aggression case - all depend upon the humans that are taking care of the dog(s), and the dogs themselves. Some factors to consider are:
  • Type of training - general manners, aggression/fear, guarding/predatory issues. 
  • Human involvement - keeping up with the training plan, setting the dog up for success.
For "good manners" courses I currently offer 4-session "intensives" as opposed to the traditional 6 week+  classes. Why? I found that most people are more likely to commit to a shorter time frame if they are receiving the information they want. And that for those that are into keeping up with their dogs behavior modification, will return for additional class time (my ongoing classes provide this type of training plan). 

For the more difficult behaviorial issues, again it really depends upon the humans and dogs. But I would place more emphasis on the "humans" and their involvement. Think about how long it takes a human to change something about their own behavior? Something like smoking cessation takes quite some time to get over the "initial hump". Afterwards, the person will need to help maintain this behavior by setting themselves up for success - spend time around non-smokers, go to places that dont allow smoking etc... But its a lifelong process. With our dogs, there would be the "initial hump" - meaning more training. Once the dog is behaving in a way you want, you will still need to set the dog up for success, and help "maintain" the behavior by practicing elements of the initial training plan... Some of the dog-dog cases Ive worked took many many months - with multiple training sessions every day, for extended periods of time. 

So when I hear people asking me "how long will it take to train my dog?" I will ask "How much time, energy, and in some cases money, are you willing to put in?" and "How badly do you want it?" 

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Senin, 20 Juni 2016

Ethical Puppy Training and Positive Reinforcement


So you got a new puppy and couldnt be happier with your new little bundle of joy when they chew your favorite shoes, piddle on your rug, and jump all over your visiting in-laws. Oh no! Just like baby humans, puppies love to cause trouble and make messes! Also like baby humans, new puppies need to be taught how to behave properly.

When adding a new puppy to your family, good training is vital to ensure a happy relationship with your pet. There are so many ways to train a puppy, but your cute and fuzzy new friend deserves ethical puppy training.
Ethical puppy training means using positive reinforcement for desired behaviors and avoiding punishing bad behaviors. Your job as an ethical puppy trainer is to make the desired behavior as attractive as possible to the puppy and distract them from unwanted behaviors. For example, if your puppy loves to chew, provide plenty of chew toys and praise them when they chew the toy. When you catch your puppy chewing furniture, calmly redirect their attention to the toy. You will have to repeat this often before it sticks!

Your puppy needs you to work with it to learn how to behave properly. Starting as young as possible, practice walking on a leash without pulling. If your puppy likes to jump on guests, ask someone to help you practice by going through the visitor scenario over and over again, rewarding your puppy when they remain calm.
Reward-based training will not only improve the behavior of your pet, it will improve your relationship with your pet. You will enjoy your pet much more when they are well behaved, and your pet will trust you and see you as a source of treats and love.

If you are busy, search for a pet trainer who specializes in ethical puppy training to assist you in giving your puppy the best possible start in life. If your once well-trained pet is suddenly exhibiting unwanted behaviors, get them to a vet for a checkup - a health problem may be causing the pet to act up.

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The adventures of Splasherpup and Keeks


The faces of innocence! 
Keeks- How DARE you compete with my cuteness!
Splasherpup- "Take THAT to your cuteness!"

Keeks- "Im warning you!"
Splasherpup- "Ok! Ok! You win!
"Phew! That was exhausting!"
Kikopup- "Ha ha! I have this pup wrapped around my little paw!"

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Everything you can imagine is real Pablo Picasso


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
-Henry David Thoreau

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Train Your Dog Properly With This Guides


Dog training can be very intimidating to someone that has never done it before. There is a lot of information out there and sorting through it all can seem difficult. These are just some tips to help you start out with dog training the right way.

The best way to teach a dog good behavior is to never let poor behavior take hold. Dogs find it much harder to break existing bad habits than to learn new, positive ones. For instance, a dog that is never fed table scraps is less likely to beg at the table.

 When training your dog, do not include any punishments. Taking preventative measures to avoid the occurrence of a bad behavior to begin with is always best, however, if your dog does get out of line, demonstrate how it should have been done rather than scolding him. Training your dog is a great way to develop a positive relationship with him.

 Dont give up on training your dog, no matter what. Through constant and positive reinforcement, you will be able to train your dog to retain the behaviors you teach them. Taking care of your dog must include instituting a training plan, as well as meeting his food and shelter needs.

 Everyone in the family should use the exact same commands when training your dog. If you mix up commands, like one family member saying "up" when another says "jump," the dog will have a more difficult time figuring out what you want. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

 If you catch your puppy chewing on things, stop him. By doing this, you are teaching him what is okay to chew on.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety when youre away, encourage him to bond with other members of the household. This will help it be less focused on the fact that you are not home.

 Get your dog used to the things they will encounter when going for a vet visit. Practice gently moving your hands all over your dogs body and reward him for staying calm. You also need to get him ready to have his paws held and looked at, as well as his teeth examined. Ask your friends to help out, as well.

 Dont be ashamed to ask for help if your training program doesnt change your dogs behavior. Particularly if you are struggling to achieve the results you desire, professional help may be just what you need. Professional dog trainers know the ins and outs of this better than you. This may be what to takes to get your dog started on the right foot.

 A trick you could teach your dog is to hold something in his mouth, such as a toy. Get your dogs attention with a clicker and reward him with a snack when he tastes or mouths the toy. When this has happened several times, hold off until the dog grabs the toy with his or her mouth. As this happens, press the clicker and then offer the reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 Your dog needs to be mentally stimulated just like a human does. Visit your local pet shop for new and entertaining toys for your dog on a regular basis. If you neglect your dog, your dog wont neglect to chew up your valuable possessions.

 Have fun with your dog each day when training. A sense of play brings you and your dog together. This bond makes the dog more responsive to your commands and training him easier. Having fun with your dog during training is one thing, but playing and having fun with your dog outside of training is also necessary.

 Keeping your dog active is an important part of successful dog training and is also good for their health. Dogs are not made to sit around. The happiest, healthiest dogs run and work. Run with your dog, take it to the park or teach it to play Frisbee. Do not allow your dog to become bored and keep it entertained by keeping it active.

 Any complicated or multistage task you would like to teach your dog should be broken down into steps. A great example of a teachable command is having your dog get the paper in the mornings. You will need to teach him or her how to hold something first. Next, he must learn the name of the object. After that, you should teach him how to take the object in his mouth. Then, he should give it to you. Breaking a task into small steps will make the information your dog has to process much more digestible and consequently, more easily accomplished.

 Keep your dog well exercised and active. Dogs can get bored easily. A bored dog will try and find something interesting to do, and training is not usually interesting. When your dog is exercised and is happy, training will be easier. Walk or run your dog frequently.

 You will find dogs are simply dogs. Allow for activities that let him be himself and have fun. Dogs need to eat well, a spacious run, and lots of toys and interesting things to occupy their time.

 As with any professional, research their reputation to verify that you are getting the best animal behavior specialist out there. There are a lot of different approaches taken by dog trainers concerning how to correctly train a dog. Understand the trainers philosophy so that you can be sure the trainers approach is similar with your own views of dog training.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you should encourage him to have connections with others. The dog must develop relationships with others in order to diffuse its unhealthy fixation with you.

 Dogs that have trouble with separation anxiety need to develop stronger relationships with others in your household. Allowing the dog to establish relationships with new people will lessen its dependence on the owner.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 It is hoped that you have found some guidance from these suggestions. Remember these tips as a guide to helping you train your dog, so both you and your dog will be very happy..

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WHO do you really want to blame


I was in one of my favorite stores yesterday...waiting in line to buy groceries for din-din, and couldnt help overhearing the conversation between one of the cashiers and a customer. As soon as I heard the words "my dog" my ears perked up...Like any predator, my sense of hearing improved once I acknowledged my "prey" - so to speak... 

I guess the customer was buying lots of doggy treats, because the cashier commented about her own dog, and that she loved her dog etc... but that she (the dog) was "naughty" and in the "dog house".... Yes, this is what caught my attention, blaming the dog for something the human probably did in the first place to set the dog up for "failure"... 

From what I heard, and trust me, I didnt listen very long... once I heard the blame-game I shut my ears and diverted to the luscious chocolate display next to, I saw a friend there, who happens to be a former student of both my private and Manners class. Anyway, she arrived at the perfect time. We started chatting away, which was a great diversion for me. 

What was being said you ask? I guess the cashier and her boyfriend left a pile of food out on the counter at their home... including a pizza... Well, counter-surfing is a grande game to be played by any animal, especially dogs (and husbands when freshly baked cookies are sitting out)... Not only can dogs jump up on counters easily - or stretch and put their paws up...theyre also quite efficient at using their mouths and paws, pulling items onto the floor to be devoured. Especially when the said item is a freakin pizza!!! YUM! What a HUGE payoff!!! 

So, come on!! Really? Blame the dog? Really? Hmm... I myself applaud the dog for being so resourceful and clever, and for hopefully teaching those humans a lesson about "puppy proofing" their home... I say put the humans in the dog house for being naughty... Oh, and by the way, as much as I hate to admit it, being the professional that I am, its happened to me too! Yep, me, the one who teaches everyone else about dogs... My own dog Poncho taught my husband and myself about puppy proofing out home! Lets just say were much more careful about where we leave food, especially when were preoccupied with each other :-) These animals learned!

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Dog Behavior and Exercise a look at before and after


My friend Emilia just emailed me a great photo of her dog Nellie. They were in my Manners Class this last Autumn, along with Nellies dad Nick. Nellie is an absolute sweetheart! Friendly as can be, totally outgoing, motivated to learn, pays attention in class! Her mom and dad have always said she has lots of energy, and that sometimes its hard to deal with, as you can see from this picture... You can also check out her energy level on my "chewing illegal items" post. 

Well they went on a little getaway where Nellie was able to run like the wind forever and a day... and when she got home she could barely chew her dinner let alone get into mischief. This is living proof why our domestic dogs need more exercise than they often receive. As I often say in my classes and privates: A tired dog is a happy dog, and a happier owner! A pictures worth a thousand words... and proof of how good a run-around session really is!  

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Behaviors Are Like Notes on a Piano


“Think of your dog’s repertoire of behaviors as keys on a piano. To create variety you will need to play songs of different length, tempo, and tune- Never play the same song repetitively. Never play all the notes just because they are there!”- kikopup

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Product Pick PureBites


I have a new favorite training treat.  PureBites are made by a Canadian company, and the beauty is in their simplicity.  Each treat is a single, freeze-dried ingredient.  The chicken treats are freeze-dried chicken, the cheese treats are freeze-dried cheddar cheese.  PureBites also come in Ocean Whitefish, Beef Liver, Duck and Trail Mix (which is actually a whopping 3 ingredients - sweet potato, beef liver and green beans).

The best thing about training with PureBites?  Its hard to say without sounding like a spokesperson for the company (though I assure you Im not), but dogs LOVE PureBites.  I have seen some of the most finicky dogs go bonkers for PureBites, and if a dog really wants what youve got, you can teach them to do just about anything.

Since they dont need to be refrigerated, PureBites are easy to take on a walk, to training class or just to keep a few in your pocket.  They arent stinky (with the exception of the Beef Liver, though its pretty mild smelling for liver).  Usually, while unappreciated by owners, stinky is a good quality in a training treat.  But dogs can tell when you get out PureBites.

The last feature I want to highlight: the single ingredient.  Its tough to find treats that can be tolerated by dogs with allergies, but one of the PureBites should work for just about any dog.  If your dog tends to have a sensitive stomach or gets car sick, you may want to try the chicken.  And if your dog needs to loose weight (or just not gain any extra!) chicken is pretty low in fat.

If you are going to use PureBites for training you may want to break the treats into smaller pieces ahead of time.  PureBites can be found in a variety of stores across the U.S., including Petco and Petsmart (try their website to search for independent stores near you) and online at

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This dog trainer is such a hypocrite!


Im talking about me folks. The patient dog trainer and human-dog relationship coach... the one who is able to fix everyones elses issues with their own dogs... Yep, Im the hypocrite. Making a public announcement and apology for everyone to hear. Ready? goes...

Im a barker!!! Thats right - ME! I bark...sometimes way too much. Now, you wouldnt think so. After all, Im not a dog (Im trying to forget what they called me in high school, but thats another story...) But it occurred to me as I was driving around town, Poncho in the backseat, tucked in his car seat all safe and sound... and being quiet as could be. Ive trained him pretty well - just like I help others in my dog training classes at The Inquisitive Canine. Once in a while I have to "go back to kindergarten" and remind him with some rewards for being quiet (and a time out if hes barking too much)... But this time it was all my fault. Me, the dog trainer, the one who teaches dogs to be quiet...I was the one being loud and obnoxious - "barking" at all those drivers on the road either causing traffic jams, not paying attention to everything around them... "HEY! The lights green! For gosh sakes hang up the phone and pay attention!!!" "And YOU! If you want to change lanes, then signal! They dont design cars with turn signals for nothing!" "And hey you, driving is a privilege not a right! Obey the laws like everyone else!" Wow...listen to me Im barking again. sweet boy. Mama is sorry. Ive been barking in the car too. And youve been so kind as to not give me a time-out! Next time, instead of me barking, Ill redirect my energy and reward you for being quiet... Extra treats for you - and some "pet therapy" for me. 

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Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

Amber from Hot Diggity


We have met our pet sitter - Amber from Hot Diggity! Dog Walking and Pet Sitting will be staying with Pistol, Apple and Timber over Christmas.  She came by for the initial visit, a chance to meet the dogs, see the house and go over the routine. 

Of course Apple adored her, but Apple would go home with a jewel thief.  Pistol and Timber took a shining to her too though, so its a done deal.  Amber will be here to feed the dogs, let them outside, wipe off any muddy paws, rub any needy bellies and perform some other essential tasks, like feeding the fish, turning on and off lights, getting the mail and watering the plants (including the orchids from Florida which are blooming prolifically here in Oregon - someone forgot to tell them its not sunny, hot and humid!).

I feel confident that the dogs will be well cared for over Christmas.  And from experience, the most important thing in leaving your dogs, whether it is at a boarding kennel, for training or with a pet sitter, is that you are comfortable enough to not worry while you are gone. 

Thanks Amber, we look forward to having you stay with our dogs!

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Training should begin immediately


You have made a wonderful decision! Training should begin immediately after you have gotten home with your new pet. If your dog has good training, you will find that you have a happier pet, and you will have more fun being a dog owner. These guidelines offer helpful insight into the art and science of training your pet.

Just as a human likes to stretch out and lay on their backs, so do dogs. Therefore, it is essential to have a dog bed big enough for your furry friend. Plenty of pet brands make dog beds sized for larger breeds. A crib mattress is also a viable alternative. The perks of these are that you can change out the sheets on crib mattresses as often as you like without too much effort. Theyre waterproof, too!

 Always get your dogs attention by using his name. Your dog must respond when its name is called before you move onto more advanced training. You should aim to call your dogs name out around ten times a day. Dont punish your dog if it comes when you call.

 When training a dog, make sure to stay consistent. Keep a list of commands to use, and make sure everyone who might need to command the dog knows them. Make sure everyone knows what to do in terms of rewarding the dog when it does well and not reinforcing poor behavior. If everyone is on the same page, the dog will better understand what is expected of him.

 Make sure your dog feels safe to train them properly. If a dog feels unsafe, they are likely to show bad behavior. To prevent this from happening, always make sure your dog is in a comfortable, safe area.

 Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. You must give consistent and clear signals when you training your dog. This includes not only using the same commands, but also maintaining consistent body language and keeping rewards and corrections the same. Pay attention to your dogs communication towards you, too. Pay attention to these signals because hes trying to tell you that everything is either going well or not so well.

 Call your pooch by his name to keep his attention focused on you. You puppy will develop the association between his name being called, and him needing to pay attention to what you are telling him. Pick a name that is distinguished and no longer than two syllables.

 When you are trying to break your dog from chewing, do it the right way. Also, be sure to keep a chewer out of hazardous situations. Many household items can be dangerous choking hazards, and some are even poisonous when chewed.

 If your dog suddenly starts misbehaving out of the blue, it is best to bring him to the vet so any health problems can be ruled out. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

 A consistent schedule of feeding and potty-time is very important when house training your dog. This will give you an idea of when the dog is likely to have to go, so you can take it outdoors to take care of this matter before an accident occurs on your rug. Conversely, this also teaches your dog that he may need to wait to go to the bathroom.

 Use good treats that are irresistible to your dog. This is one time you can use something you would not usually give them, like meat.

 If you have to keep your dogs outside, never tie them up too close to one another. The dogs chains could get tangled up and cause harm to the dogs as they struggle to get free. In the worst case, a large dog might be able to strangle or crush a smaller one, entirely by accident, while trying to free itself.

 To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. You have to show your dog that you are in control or he will not obey or respect you. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.

 Dogs have tunnel vision and will focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. If you do it enough times, your dog will wait for your signals instead of focusing on other things.

 Be consistent with your cues when training a dog. Your dog can learn to associate a command with a particular behavior, but if you keep changing the command associated with a behavior, youll confuse him and he wont do what you want him to do. It is absolutely critical to remain consistent throughout. If you strive for this, you and your pet will get more out of the training.

 If dogs have similar personalities, you may be able to train them simultaneously. If your dogs fight or goof off instead of paying attention, it may be wise to do a bit of one-on-one training before training them together.

 If you want to train your dog, avoid playing any sort of control games like tug of war. Aggressive games promote aggressive behaviors, such as biting. Tug-of-war can be played once you have trained your puppy; however, it should not be played before the dog is completely trained.

 If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you should encourage him to have connections with others. The dog must develop relationships with others in order to diffuse its unhealthy fixation with you.

 Behavior problems that suddenly occur with no reason may indicate a medical problem that needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. This behavior may be his way of telling you that there is something wrong with him.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 With the proper training, both you and your dog can be happy. These tips can give you the info you will need to get on the right track to train your dog..

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Provide dog with activities


You might have thought you had a good dog, but you could have ended up with a bad one. However, theres still hope! A bit of training goes a long way in reducing bad dog behavior.

Dogs need to play so always give your dog time to be a dog and to engage in normal canine behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

 Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. You need to replace that with a designated chew toy. Puppies sometimes chew objects while going through their teething phase. A wet cloth that has been frozen is perfect for them during this time.

 If you are welcoming a guest into your home, give them clear instructions about how to interact with your dog. These reactions may actually encourage dogs to jump up on your guests or attempt to dominate them.

 Many people are bitten by dogs because of their fears of that exact thing happening. The dog will feel fear if it is startled, trapped or feels threatened. While training your dog, you should avoid the use of excessive force. Doing so may result in injury to you. Your dog will be eager for your approval.

 Its important that your dog enjoy training and look forward to training sessions. Keep the sessions limited to 15 minutes or so to avoid the dog becoming disinterested and distracted. Vary your rewards. Give your dog a lot of praise when they do something right. When training is enjoyable, listening becomes a happy time, too.

 Playing tug-of-war with your puppy when you are working on training him is a bad idea. In addition to tug-of-war, games that involve wresting something away from your puppy or chasing each other in any respect, can entice the animal to bite or nip at your hands. You want to avoid having your puppy become accustomed to this behavior, so it is better to postpone these games until the dog is more mature and fully trained.

 Training your dog can help if your dog has a hard time being left alone. It is quite possible that if your dog frequently barks unceasingly or damages your belongings when you leave, he or she is actually suffering from separation anxiety. If you train your dog to stay busy when you are gone, it can help. While youre training your dog, its important to also show a great amount of love so your dog knows that everything is alright.

 Use consistency with training by making sure all members use commands that are the same. For instance, if your dog gets on the sofa and he hears you saying "get off," but your husband says "down boy", it may confuse your dog. As long as you use consistency, then your dog has a great chance of learning all of the tricks and behaviors that you wish.

 If you lack patience or cannon remain even-tempered during the training session, do not push forward. If you cannot focus on remaining patient when training your dog, it will quickly lose interest in what you are trying to teach.

 Pick a phrase you will say to your new puppy the whole time you are working on house training him. Every single time you take your pup to do his business, say something like "need to go out?". It does not matter the phrase you choose, as long as you keep it consistent. This will keep him focused, and will teach him to associate those words with the action of relieving himself.

 Feed your dog a healthy diet. Too many table scraps can unbalance your dogs diet. If your dog isnt getting what it needs to stay healthy, it could really struggle to find the energy for training or may act out in other ways. Something as simple as improving their diet can sometimes have a huge impact on how receptive they are to training.

 You cannot rush through the training process. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. A training session that wears your puppy out is going to turn into an unpleasant memory, making him less likely to respond well to subsequent sessions, and more inclined to ignore what you are trying to teach him.

 Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. This means everyone living in the house needs to enforce the boundaries you set. These inconsistencies can cause significant setbacks.

 If you prepare your dog for veterinary exams, it will help both you and your dog. Gently place your hands over its body, acknowledging your dog when he responds positively. Prepare your dog to accept someone handling his paws or looking at his teeth. Ask your friends to help out, as well.

 Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Taking time to play creates a strong bond between the two of you, and your dog will be more likely to respond well to training. Training can be a fun experience, however, getting some enjoyment for yourself and the dog through play is a good thing.

 If you want to get rid of inappropriate chewing behaviors, you need to set up the dogs environment so that he will have fewer temptations. Additionally, make sure there is nothing that can pose as a threat to your chewing canine. Any objects which your dog could choke on or become entangled in should be kept out of reach.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 It is not uncommon for dog owners to express surprise at the simplicity of weaving dog training efforts into daily life, and how fast they achieve great outcomes. So if you are looking to change any of your dogs wayward ways, try some of our tips for quick success!.

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Puppy Potty Training Made Easy


For many families, even if they do not train anything else with their puppy, they will take the time to conduct puppy potty training. After all, who wants to go around cleaning up puppy "messes" from the carpet every day? Puppy potty training can be frustrating for all involved. Remember, though, that puppies are just babies and they do not know what you want until you let them know. There are several strategies to try when you are conducting puppy potty training.

Use A Crate: Using a crate will make puppy potty training that much easier. If you are unable to watch your puppy, put it in the crate. A crate is like a den, and dogs do not like to soil where they sleep. Use the same command when sending puppy into the crate, and always offer a reward while doing puppy potty training. Puppies may cry in the crate at first, but remember, giving them free reign will allow them to potty anywhere in your house. Do not leave puppy in the crate for long periods of time - allow puppy frequent trips outside for puppy potty training.

Designate A Potty Place: It will make puppy potty training easier if you take puppy out to the same place each time. While doing puppy potty training, the yard is only for going potty - take puppy to the same area each time. Only stay out about 10 minutes at a time before going back in. Playtime should only be allowed after the puppy has gone potty.

Reward Success: Remember, puppy potty training is about getting a desired behavior. When puppy receives a reward of praise or a small treat, they start associating puppy potty training as being a good thing. Happy puppies learn faster.

Use A Leash: An essential part of puppy potty training is being able to keep an eye on your puppy during the process. This can be difficult to do when you are trying to get other things done around the house. Using a leash tied to your waist can allow you to keep puppy near so he or she cannot sneak off to use the bathroom.

Practice: Like anything else, puppy potty training takes lots of practice. Take puppy outside for puppy potty training every time he or she eats or drinks, comes out of the crate, or wakes up from a nap. Take puppy out for puppy potty training as often as possible, and keep an eye out for the times that your puppy needs to potty on a regular basis.

Avoid Paper: While some puppy owners swear by using paper for puppy potty training, ultimately they are only teaching puppy to potty in the house. Instead, work on teaching puppy that outdoors is the only acceptable place to potty.

Prepare For Accidents: Puppy potty training is bound to have accidents, so instead of stressing out about them, prepare for them. Before puppy potty training begins, make sure that you have plenty of cleanup materials on hand, including paper towels or rags, odor neutralizers, and enzymatic cleaners. Keep these within easy reach for you, but out of reach for the puppy, to make puppy potty training accidents easy to clean up.

Nick Luvera - About the Author:
Cheap Puppy Pads offers super absorbent puppy pads that take the hassle out of house training puppies. Great for puppies and for older dogs that are incontinent. Once the dog is accustomed to using the pads, they can be placed outdoors to encourage dogs to potty outside. Also, be sure to visit our site to sign up for free weekly dog training tips.

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Dog Behavior and Discrimination how come my dog listens to my husband but not me


I know, nowadays the word "discrimination" can be a negative thing. As socially conscious humans were not supposed to discriminate - at least when were talking about certain human characteristics. But trust me, we discriminate all the time - and its a good thing, as youll see below. How does discrimination relate to dog training? First a general definition of discrimination: 
  • the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another: discrimination between right and wrong | young children have difficulties in making fine discriminations.
  • the ability to distinguish between different stimuli : [as adj. ] discrimination learning.
With consistency, and precise timing, we can actively teach dogs to discriminate. Check out the video of me and Poncho the dog. Im teaching him to discriminate when to jump through my legs. Turning my right leg out is the cue for him to jump through. Turning my left leg out, he isnt supposed to. He got his reward for staying put. 

Poncho learned pretty quickly that: right leg turned out = jump through = gets rewarded. Left leg turned out = stay = gets rewarded. If he didnt jump when he was supposed to, or jumped when I didnt want him to, then Id give him a "too bad", which is the cue for "no reward". The punishment is he doesnt get a food reward, and he has to wait to try again. 

Another human world example:
  • Green light = "go", Red light = Stop, Yellow light = "slow down in preparation of stopping" (although some folks define the yellow as "speed up and get through the intersection"). 
In this example we, as humans, discriminate between the different colors of the traffic signal, and based on what weve learned, we know what to do for each one. I dont know about you, but when I was a child, I quickly learned which parent to go to for what, and when to ask. This is example of "discriminative learning".

As a certified pet dog trainer, I often hear comments or get questions, either from my manners class students or my Noozhawk advice column about "Why does a dog do one thing for one person and not another? Why does my dog pull on leash with me, but not my spouse?" Well, the simple explanation is: One person is more consistent with teaching and rewarding what they want and/or punishing out what they dont want. In a case like this, the dog in question has been able to discriminate which parent to go to for what! 

Dogs, just like small children, dont have the mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. They arent born with the section of the brain that is wired for it, and they never really develop it. However, they are very good at differentiating between safe and dangerous. Along with discriminating between safe or dangerous stimuli, they are masters at discriminating between finite cues - provided passively or actively. For example:
  • Passive cue: sneakers = going for walkies, dress shoes = dog stays home while human goes to work. 
  • Active cue: human places specific blanket (environmental cue) on couch = dog gets to hang out on couch. No blanky on couch, doggy isnt allowed on couch.
So, if your dog is behaving differently for you than they are for someone else, ask yourself: 
  • What am I rewarding or not rewarding my dog for?
  • Am I being consistent?
  • What cues am I giving my dog?
Then, once youve answered yourself, you can then fix the problem, if there is one. 

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