Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Rambling finally pays off! At least in my own mind


Hello and welcome to my blog... Finally! All these years of rambling behavior, in emails, phone calls, and everyday conversations, I now finally have an outlet where I can just let it all pour out! I love modern technology! Thank you Google and Blogspot - and of course Lorrie Thomas for encouraging me to become a blogger!

So, what is all of my blogging going to be about? What are my goals? My intentions?

Mostly professionally related dog training topics - training and education for canines and their humans... But with a side order of my own personality ;-) Tips and tidbits on the basics of training your dog, trouble-shooting issues I commonly see or am frequently asked about, interesting cases I’m working with (real names protected of course), addressing interesting emails I may receive, responding to comments, or simply my very own humble opinion on life’s daily adventures...I’m thrilled you’re here, and am looking forward to having you join me on this new and exciting blogging experience...

Joan (AKA: Poncho’s mom)

The Inquisitive Canine, LLC

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